It’s that time of the year, the official kickoff of the nation’s Presidential General Election. This week marks the beginning of the major political parties National Nominating Conventions. Long gone are the robust brokered conventions where the respective nominees for president were in doubt until the final ballots were tabulated. Nominees now are generally decided long before the Chairs of the conventions gavel the sessions open. The 2020 conventions will be no exception. Former Vice-President Joseph Biden, Jr. will accept the Democratic Party’s nomination this week, followed by the Republican Party formally nominating its standard bearer President Donald Trump the week thereafter.
Each convention will offer their party faithful the opportunity to coalesce around their national leaders and speak to the nation in one voice regarding their vision for the future direction of the country. The 2020 conventions will be like no other in recent memory as a result of the Coronavirus COVID 19 pandemic. Delegates to the conventions will not gather in either Milwaukee, WI (Democratic host city) or Charlotte, NC (GOP host city). The presidential and vice-presidential nominees will accept their nominations from remote locations. It promises to be unlike any other convention experience ever.
I will watch much of each parties' convention proceedings, but as a Democrat, I will be watching with great expectation the nomination and acceptance speech of U. S. Senator Kamala Harris [D-CA]. I was honored to support her a year ago as she sought the Democratic Presidential nomination and I am now eagerly anticipating her campaigning in the fall as the running mate of Vice-President Biden.
I believe Sen. Harris has the capacity, working with Vice-President Biden, to bring about transformative change in this nation to allow every citizen the opportunity to realize their full potential. As a former member of the Democratic National Committee, I anticipate both these conventions to be unlike any I have ever witnessed.
I will be posting to this page throughout the two weeks of convention activities, providing insight on the conventions and other matters. Be blessed... #ithadtobesaid
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